A collaborative project of German schools and companies for the development of values and securing resources in the labor market

Torsten Krug, CEO Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft für Arbeit und Beschäftigung
Our ability is to solve problems ourselves. Our obstacle is waiting too long.
Politicians, companies, and associations complain about the shortage of skilled workers. Daily.
The constant influx and easier entry opportunities for skilled workers are supposed to fill the holes that are visible in every industry. Regardless of whether it’s in industry, healthcare, or services – skilled workers are needed everywhere.
The fact is that well-trained skilled workers stay in their own country unless there is a war, flight, and displacement. Here, the priority can and must be first and foremost the reception and accommodation of people who are suffering the most. However, it takes a long time for these people to integrate into the labor market. We at the Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft für Arbeit und Beschäftigung are concerned with securing work and employment in Germany. We are not a government organization and are not affiliated with any political party. We seek pragmatic and sustainable approaches. Together with you, the decision-makers in the German economy.
One such approach is to develop and promote one’s own resources. Namely our schools and thus our children and young people. We are currently experiencing the greatest paradigm shift since the end of the Second World War. Lockdown, changing perceptions of values and expectations of working life are just the tip of the iceberg as far as challenges are concerned.
With „Kids Ocean Race,“ let’s work together to help foster the drive for success and achievement in our youth and provide an incentive to rise above. And yes, we can only make a small contribution at first. But it’s a start to a cross-industry, cross-company alliance that will increase the opportunities for our country. In this spirit, I thank you for your support.

„We as a school are very happy and proud to be able to participate in this project. Here, our children learn to apply scientific concepts in a particularly challenging context, from construction to navigation to steering a boat as a team.“
Anett Richter, Headmistress in Thuringia
„Sailing is planning, craftsmanship, science, and passion. And it teaches reverence for nature. That’s why I support Kids Ocean Race and thank all our co-creators for their commitment.“
Boris Herrmann, Sailor & Adventurer

Through a sustainable pivotal experience, we create orientation and courage. And we give young people a stage within the biggest and toughest sailing regatta in the world.

Career aspirations are formed through role models and lasting pivotal experiences. Optimally, children experience both influences as they grow, but unfortunately, often they do not. This is where we come in. Within a year, children and young people plan, design, build, and test their own boats under the guidance and with the support of experienced experts. All with the aim of taking part in the 2025 competition in Alicante, Spain. For this is where, within the legendary Ocean Race, the kids‘ competition will start.

Direct promotion of our most important resource through our companies in Germany.
2 years of preparation
10 schools in competition
100 participating children
X observers

Within a year, children from ten participating schools plan, design, and build their own sailboat. In the process, educational content from mathematics, physics, chemistry, English and craft-related disciplines is transferred into practical, real-world applications.

The children are supported in planning and execution by their specialist teachers and experts from our sponsoring companies.
In 2025, the ten teams will compete against each other in ten boats.
The competition takes place in the run-up to the famous Ocean Race in Alicante, Spain. The winners of the Kids Ocean Race automatically qualify for the following year’s race.
All schools in Germany with students in grades 7 and up can apply to participate.